Monday, July 10, 2017

RSVPd yes to bachelorette a month ago, can no longer go...

A good friend of mine is having her bachelorette this fall. I am not in her wedding- she's only having her sister and her FSIL in her bridal party. The bachelorette is a flight away for me, but is local for most of the girls who are going. I knew I'd have to fly and rent a car, but a month ago I was in a different financial situation that I am in now.Over the past month, we had to get our dog an MRI/spinal tap, which cost us about $3000. That is a crap ton of money for us, but our dog was sick and we had no choice. We also recently found out that FH's insurance did not cover some of his prescriptions over a period this year, which we will now have to pay and could be thousands of dollars.When my friend's MOH contacted us about the bachelorette a month ago, she also said it would be $75 pp for lodging. I just e-mailed her about general costs for the party, and she says that it was $75 pp per night, plus cleaning fees= $175 pp. Plus activities/food/drinks at $100-200, plus my $275 flight and $100 rental car and gas costs... plus a gift for the bride.. we're looking at $800.Basically, I can't afford $800 for a two day trip. To add to the stress, the party is the weekend before my wedding.However, I've already RSVPd yes. And me changing that RSVP will mean that everyone else will now owe more for lodging, and I feel bad about that.How can I go about this in a tactful way? via /r/weddingplanning

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